The UX / UI Design Process


At its core UX is not a deliverable, but a business strategy and competitive advantage in the marketplace. — Troy Parke

Most of what I do isn’t actually making stuff. I’d say a large portion of my day is spent scratching my head, thinking, trying to match up users’ needs with viable interaction. I also attend a lot of meetings. And I talk to people. All the people; users, stakeholders, CEOs, developers, users, product owners, QA, doormen, literally…all the people. But, eventually, the people paying the bills want to see some deliverables. This post is a not-so-brief understatement of what UX designers generally do and some jargon in which we tend to do it.

For me, the core elements for the process are:

  • Stakeholder Interviews

  • User Interviews

  • Stories

  • Personæ

  • Scenarios

  • Mind Maps

  • Process Flows

  • Sketches

  • Interactive Wireframes/Prototypes

  • Style Tiles, Style Guide

  • Hi-Fidelity Comps

Stakeholder Interviews

This is where it all starts. The C-suite, product owners, architects, lead developers — anyone and everyone who has a stake in the success and desired outcomes of the project. What does the business expect to get out of this product? What are their goals, KPIs, rubrics? What does success look like to the CEO vs the CTO vs the Director of Training and Support? Understanding the undercurrents of the people that sign the checks and check the boxes is critical to the success of any UX effort.

As UX designers, we’re crucially and critically placed in a position to hold a lot of sway with the leads of every organization across the board. If we can build bridges and channels of communication between the disparate teams, we can empower our clients and ourselves to do truly meaningful, productive, and successful work.

User Interviews

When possible, getting feedback from actual users who actually use the current product (if there is one) or might potentially use the one we’re creating can be invaluable, hence user interviews. If you intend to build something, best get some input from the people you’re building it for. The actual users have more insight and clearer understandings of the problems they have than anyone else, including the designer. Getting their input can help us avoid going down paths that ultimately go nowhere and open up doors that we couldn’t see ourselves. That said, it’s important to weigh each user response carefully. As the (apocryphal) saying goes — if Henry Ford had asked people what they wanted, they would have asked for ‘faster horses.’ Sometimes the user doesn’t know what they really want or need, but they know their problems and issues, and even though they might not know the answer (which is the designer’s job anyway) they can help you find the right path that leads to it. Additionally, by observing them in their realm first-hand we can gain insights impossible to ascertain any other way.


When I take on a new project, it’s incredibly important to understand the stories behind it. Namely — what problems are we hoping to solve, what things are we trying to improve, who are we trying to help etc. These questions help set the stage for all of the work that follows. If the UX or UI don’t support the initial stories we defined at the outset, then we need to regroup and come up with ideas that do. The stories serve as an anchor to keep us grounded and focused on the overarching reasons we’re building the project in the first place.


In order to effectively create a meaningful and useful solution we first need to understand and try to design what the end-user needs. One of the most effective ways to divine the user’s needs is to generate detailed and meaningful personæ. Where the stories help us focus on the problems and endgames, the personæ help us focus on the people who will actually use the product, without which the entire process is pointless and an exercise in futility. If stories are the anchors, the personæ are the rails along which we guide each decision, ensuring that the experience and interface are always focused on the user and helping them accomplish their goals with minimal cognitive friction.


Once we know what we’re building and for whom, we can create use-case scenarios that help us identify in more detail individual steps in the processes we’ll need to account for. The scenarios are the rough sketches that begin to define the workflows and experiences we hope to create for the user.

It’s really important to note here that the scenarios capture what the user is doing, but not how. Not yet anyway. Otherwise, you’ve stacked design effort onto yourself before you even understand the varied tasks people will need to perform.

Mind Maps

I love mind maps. Mind maps are my friend. They help me start to wrangle all the scattered thoughts and possibilities into a more cohesive pattern. Creating the mind map is the first step toward defining concrete design patterns, components, and detailed use-case scenarios. They’re easy to make, easy to update, easy to read, and incredibly effective at surfacing missing and redundant items and flows.

There are a ton of mind-mapping software solutions today. I like MindMeister and Miro at the moment.

Process Flows

With everything shaping up now, we can outline some process flows. Using UML-style diagraming we can map out how the user will proceed through the different steps and stages and reach their goal. The process flow can be one of the first real deliverables to stakeholders and other teammates. At this point, everyone has a chance to begin to catch the vision of how we’re attempting to solve the problem through improved usability and process. The flows help indicate how the user will progress and serve as a guide when creating the actual artwork.


While almost never a client deliverable, sketching helps me begin to take the ethereal vision of the project and give it a corporeal shape. Until now, we’ve been primarily concerned with high-level “Whys?” and “What ifs?” Now we start to pave the road that leads to the actual software.

Interactive Wireframes

Now that we know what we want the user to do and when we can sketch some wireframes to begin architecting the visual interface. The wireframes will serve as the skeleton of the interface. They are easy to make and update and can even be used in additional user surveys in a process called ‘paper prototyping’. Wireframes can also serve as a scaffold to help the engineering team begin to formulate plans and designs of their own. This can be another checkpoint where stakeholders can review progress and see the product begin to take form and function and come to life.

What makes a wireframe interactive? Simple: by wiring up a wireframe (or even bits of paper) so I can advance down a path in a way emulating how the actual software might work — it’s now interactive. It can be as simple as shuffling pieces of paper, adding hotspots to images in Keynote, or using powerful tools such as InVision (2020 EDIT: I now use Figma almost exclusively). Better yet — I love to wireframe in the browser using frameworks like Foundation and Bootstrap. That way you’re that much closer to reality. Regardless, the sooner you can introduce interaction into your designs, the better. Period.

Building the prototype forces you through the actual steps of building something that works (at least to some degree) as the intended final product. Building a prototype will shed light on problems and nuances in the product that were impossible to foresee otherwise. It can also validate decisions made, or showcase in painful glory any mistakes. Fortunately, it’s still not too late and early enough in the game that you can regroup and iterate over any lessons learned in the prototype phase.

Style Tiles / Style Guide

Style Tiles are useful little tools that help you start to play with the final look and feel of an application without spending hours mocking things up over and over again. Designers love them because of how rapidly they can be produced. Clients love them because it gives them an easy way to quickly grok different stylistic visions for a project.

Once the vision is decided upon, creating a style guide can be incredibly useful to ensure that exactly what you designed gets implemented. It also lays the foundation for additional work in the future. Having a living style guide can help ensure predictability and consistency throughout a product as it grows. It also provides the perfect reference for the engineer so there’s never any question as to exactly how they should implement the design.

Another incredibly useful way to work here is leveraging Brad Frost’s Atomic Design principles, style guide resources, and dynamic site generators like Anything that gets you finished product faster that’s more maintainable, buildable, and extensible is a huge win IMHO.

Hi-Fi Comps

Once you’ve iterated through the process, wireframes, and styles you should have enough information that engineers can begin building the foundations and supporting controls and interfaces. If needed, you can get to the pixel-pushing — the creation of high-fidelity comps. The hi-fi comps are the actual look/feel that will be visible in the final product. Although possibly the least important in terms of user experience, the UI is the most visible aspect of the entire product and the #1 factor in garnering trust in your users. Regardless of how awesome the workflows and usability are, if the end-product is ugly, few will want, use or buy it. This is the eye candy and where we can put the real polish and shine on all the hard work we’ve done so far.

Hi-Fi Comps are also the most expensive part of the process and should be minimized (or eliminated) if at all possible. In a world where your software or website can be viewed on any one of thousands of devices and screens, it’s literally impossible to cover every single possibility. This is why style tiles and guides are so important. By wireframing in the browser using responsive frameworks and relying on consistent styling, you’ve positioned yourself to be able to handle any device that comes your way without having to mock up thousands of views for every single page.

So — this is my process in a nutshell. I don’t always completely execute every step for every product. That’s not to say that I skip any of these steps — but sometimes they can be internalized rather than run through in full, real-world glory. I think each product requires a slightly different approach. Agile development environments and tight schedules may also limit how much time we can spend on each process — so internalizing some so we can spend more time on other, more critical steps can be vital — because in the end, shipping the product is the most important feature we will ever implement.

Did I miss something you love? Do you violently disagree? Please let me know by responding!


The Billion Dollar Idea